Commercial Program Resources

​Business Resources:​

Business W​ebinars

​In early June 2021, Sacramento County and the City of Sacramento held a webinar to provide information to businesses and commercial properties about the new mandatory organics recycling laws, including:

  • ​New food waste recycling laws
  • How these laws impact you and how to comply
  • Available resources and why changes are important

​​Recording Link (passcode: gG49TH^C): Mandatory Food Waste Recycling Webinar​

Presentation: Mandatory Food Waste Recycling Presentation

Multifamily Reso​urc​​​​​​es​ 

Sign Up for Multifamily Program U​pdates!​


Property Manag​ers


Collectively Sustainable: A Multifamily Newsletter - Archive

Multifamily Web​​inars 

The County of Sacramento and the City of Sacramento hosted a webinar covering topics including the new organics collection law, compliance options, and property management responsibilities.


Franchise Hauler ​​Container Labels 

Please u​se the labels that correspond with your​ Franchised Hauler. 

Property Enclosure Signs (Multifamily) 

Place signs on enclosure walls near the corresponding waste container:

​​​​Additional Resources from Waste Hauler


​Additional Information​