Reminder Update: As of 11/11/24, we have merged our street sweeping
and curbside collection reminder systems. To keep getting street sweeping reminders,
please sign up for curbside collection reminders on our website or on
the SacGreenTeam app. After signing up,
you will get both street sweeping and weekly curbside collection day reminders.
Service Provided:
- Sacramento County currently contracts with CleanStreet for street sweeping services. This service extends throughout the unincorporated areas of the County one time per month.
Important Reminders:
- Keep your part of the roadway clear for our sweeper
- Park your vehicle off the street on sweep day
- Do not rake or blow leaves from your yard into the gutter or street
- Use your Organics carts for large sticks, branches, and piles of leaves
- If your street is not swept on the scheduled day, it will be swept the following day
Service Day:
Contact us at with any questions.