It's easy to recycle used motor oil, used oil filters, and used cooking oil. Just set them curbside and we'll collect them!
Please follow these easy set out reminders:
- Use separate containers for used motor oil and cooking oil.
- Do not mix motor oil and cooking oil together.
- Do not mix motor oil with other fluids, such as antifreeze or brake fluid.
- Place used oil in rigid or semi-rigid plastic containers with screw-top lids
(no pop-top lids) and securely tape the screw-top lids closed. Use containers that are:
- Clear/translucent one-gallon containers -- such as sturdy screw-top milk/juice/water jugs -- or reuse the original screw-top plastic oil containers (1- to 5-quart containers).
- Max container size is up to a 5-quart (=1.25 gallons).
- Max is a three container limit per collection.
- Place used motor oil, filters, and cooking oil curbside at least 3 feet away from carts and stationary objects by 6:00 a.m. on the same day as curbside collection.
For oil filters:
- Drain the filter of any oil.
- Put filters in a plastic zip-top bag.
- Place bag on the ground next to the used motor oil containers.
This curbside service is provided at no additional charge as part of your regular weekly collection service.
Residents can also drop off these items at no additional cost at a local Household Hazardous Waste Drop-Off Center.
Reasons to Recycle
Recycling used motor oil and filters reduces our dependence on oil, saves valuable resources, and protects the health of our families. Furthermore, it is illegal to dispose of used motor oil in sewers, drainage systems, surface waters, ground waters, water courses, marine waters, onto the land, in the trash or by domestic incineration.
Did you know?
- Used oil contains contaminants such as lead, magnesium, copper, zinc, chromium, arsenic, cadmium, and chlorinated compounds.
- Used motor oil represents more than 40 percent of the oil pollution in our country's waterways.
- One gallon of used motor oil can pollute one million gallons of drinking water.
- Used oil is easy to recycle. It can be re-refined into motor or biodiesel oil.
- Even after draining, used oil filters contain about 10 ounces of used oil, as well as one pound of reusable steel.