Illness prevention: if you are coughing or sneezing and you feel sick, stay home.
Never place HHW in curbside collection carts.
Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) must be dropped off at a HHW facility. Residents can drop off these items free for environmentally safe disposal.
Products that have a caution label likely contain hazardous chemicals on their own or when mixed. Toxic ingredients can threaten the environment, human health or catch fire/explode if placed in the Garbage, Organics or Recycling carts for curbside collection.
Review the Accepted HHW Items for Drop-Off and Unacceptable HHW Items.
NARS HHW Drop-Off Facility
Location: 4450 Roseville Road, North Highlands, CA 95660 - View us on Google Maps
Hours: Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (closed Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s Day)
All local HHW drop off locations including acceptable and unacceptable items are listed in the Regional Household Hazardous Waste Drop-Off Facilities brochure (Spanish).
Residents can drop off up to 15 gallons or 125 pounds of HHW per month at the NARS HHW Facility for free.
HHW Items Accepted at the NARS HHW Facility
- Acids
- Antifreeze
- Brake/transmission fluid
- Car batteries
- Cooking oil
- Fluorescent tubes and bulbs (up to 12 tubes per month)
- Ballast - must be removed from fixture
- Gasoline and other flammables
- Home-generated needles and syringes (in sealed hard plastic or metal containers). Other options: / 1-844-482-5322.
- Household batteries (if taped, only clear tape)
- Household cleaners
- Medications (non-controlled substances) (other drop-off locations)
- Motor oil and filters
- Paint (oil-based or latex) and paint thinners
- Pesticides and herbicides
- Pool chemicals and poisons
- Propane tanks (barbecue style, limit two, maximum 5-7 gallons)
- Aerosol cans
- Solvents
HHW Items Not Accepted at the NARS HHW Facility
- Ammunition
- Asbestos
- Compressed industrial gas
- Controlled substances
- Explosives (road flares are acceptable)
- Medical waste
- Polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) (a banned chemical compound previously used in coolants and plasticizers)
- Radioactive materials
- Treated wood including railroad ties, fence posts & decking (OK for disposal)
For safety, read and follow the product labels when handling household hazardous waste products.
- Keep products in their original containers, if possible. Label materials that are not in their original containers. (NOTE: Do not put motor oil in any container that was used for bleach, acid, or flammable liquid.)
- Do not mix products or allow products to accidentally mix.
- Lids must be tightly sealed to prevent spills.
- Place leaking containers in a larger, plastic container with a tight-fitting lid.
- Put all products upright in a cardboard box so they do not tip over in transport.
- Ensure adequate ventilation if transported inside a passenger vehicle.
- Keep flammables out of direct sunlight and away from sources of heat, spark, flame or ignition.
- Do not smoke near products or on County property.
- Remain in your vehicle upon arrival at the facility, prepare to show your driver’s license, and allow staff to offload your household hazardous waste.
Additional Information:
- Controlled substances
- Product Reuse Program at the NARS HHW Drop-off Facility: Available products for reuse are placed out at the beginning of the hour from 9:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m., on Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. It is first come, first served and the facility cannot guarantee products will be available.