North Area Recovery Station (NARS) Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Drop-Off Facility

​Illness prevention: if you are coughing or sneezing and you feel sick, stay home.

Never place HHW in curbside collection carts.

Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) must be dropped off at a HHW facility.  Residents can drop off these items free for environmentally safe disposal. 

Products that have a caution label likely contain hazardous chemicals on their own or when mixed. Toxic ingredients can threaten the environment, human health or catch fire/explode if placed in the Garbage, Organics or Recycling carts for curbside collection. 

Review the Accepted HHW Items for Drop-Off and Unacceptable HHW Items.

NARS HHW Drop-Off Facility 

Location: 4450 Roseville Road, North Highlands, CA  95660 View us on Google Maps

Hours: Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (closed Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s Day)

All local HHW drop off locations including acceptable and unacceptable items are listed in the Regional Household Hazardous Waste Drop-Off Facilities brochure (Spanish​).  

Residents can drop off up to 15 gallons or 125 pounds of HHW per month at the NARS HHW Facility for free. 

HHW Items Accepted at the NARS HHW Facility

  • Acids
  • Antifreeze
  • Brake/transmission fluid
  • Car batteries
  • Cooking oil
  • Fluorescent tubes and bulbs (up to 12 tubes per month)
    • ​Ballast - must be removed from fixture
  • Gasoline and other flammables
  • Home-generated needles and syringes (in sealed hard plastic or metal containers). Other options:  / 1-844-482-5322. 
  • Household batteries (if taped, only clear tape)
  • Household cleaners
  • Medications (non-controlled substances) (other drop-off locations)  
  • Motor oil and filters
  • Paint (oil-based or latex) and paint thinners
  • Pesticides and herbicides
  • Pool chemicals and poisons
  • Propane tanks (barbecue style, limit two, maximum 5-7 gallons)
  • Aerosol cans
  • Solvents

HHW Items Not Accepted at the NARS HHW Facility

  • Ammunition
  • Asbestos
  • Compressed industrial gas
  • Controlled substances
  • Explosives (road flares are acceptable)
  • Medical waste
  • Polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) (a banned chemical compound previously used in coolants and plasticizers)
  • Radioactive materials
  • Treated wood including railroad ties, fence posts & decking​ (OK for disposal)

For safety, read and follow the product labels when handling household hazardous waste products.

  • Keep products in their original containers, if possible. Label materials that are not in their original containers. (NOTE: Do not put motor oil in any container that was used for bleach, acid, or flammable liquid.)
  • Do not mix products or allow products to accidentally mix.
  • Lids must be tightly sealed to prevent spills.
  • Place leaking containers in a larger, plastic container with a tight-fitting lid.​
  • Put all products upright in a cardboard box so they do not tip over in transport.
  • Ensure adequate ventilation if transported inside a passenger vehicle.
  • Keep flammables out of direct sunlight and away from sources of heat, spark, flame or ignition.
  • Do not smoke near products or on County property.
  • Remain in your vehicle upon arrival at the facility, prepare to show your driver’s license, and allow staff to offload your household hazardous waste.

Businesses that qualify as a Very Small Quantity Generator (VSQG) to drop off accepted Hazardous Waste (HHW) at the NARS HHW Facility for a fee, must make an appointment in advance. For details, go to the Commercial Hazardous Waste webpage.

​Additional Information:​

  • Controlled substances​  
  • Product Reuse Program at the NARS HHW Drop-off Facility: Available products for reuse are placed out at the beginning of the hour from 9:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m., on Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. It is first come, first served and the facility cannot guarantee products will be available.​
Visit our educational campaign for more on Household Hazardous Waste and free drop-off locations.
Never Miss Your Curbside Collection Again. DownLoad the App image. 

Never miss your curbside collection day!​  The app is available to download in the app stores for both Apple and Android devices.​​

Apple App Store Image  Google Play