Residents in the unincorporated areas of Sacramento County (*except multifamily apartment complexes/mobile home parks served by commercial franchised haulers) receive the following outlined services.
Residential Services: What We Do and What to Expect
Along with the services listed below, we focus on educating our roughly 165,000 residential customers about service requirements, acceptable and unacceptable items, and the importance of sorting smart and recycling right. For details, visit our webpages, review the Residential Curbside Collection Services Guide (language translations), use the SacGreenTeam mobile app, and the “How Do I Get Rid Of…” tool, as well as email your questions to
Route Reviews:
Our staff conduct random Route Reviews, also known as the Lid Flipper program, to visually review curbside cart set-out and contents to provide customers with feedback, education, and resources to meet service requirements. If you see them in the field be sure to wave hello – they are there to help!
- Garbage Collection: Weekly, Cart Sizes – 30, 60, or 90 gallon
- Recycling Collection: Bi-weekly, Cart Sizes – 60 or 90 gallon
- Organics Collection
(Green Waste): Weekly, Cart Sizes – 30, 60, or 90 gallon
- Cart Services: Set-out instructions, request missed/add/remove/change/repair, billing
- Oil/Filters Collection: Weekly, curbside pickup of used oil, filters, cooking oil
- Bulky Waste Pickup: One appointment every 12 months (fee for additional appointments)
- Batteries, Paint, etc.: Drop-off household hazardous waste (HHW) locations - no fee
Multifamily Properties: Apartment, condo, multiplex, mobile home park
*service provided by commercial franchised haulers
Street Sweeping: Monthly, CleanStreet, runs services in unincorporated County
To Request Additional Services:
Representatives are available Monday - Friday, 8 am - 4:30 pm.
Call 916-875-5555, complete the online customer service form, or email, for the following services: cart delivery, replacement, repairs, exchanges; forgot to set out a cart; billing questions; and, schedule a Bulky Waste Pickup appointment.
To report missed service of a cart that was set out by 6 AM on a regular service day, call 3-1-1 (if calling from outside of unincorporated County, call 916-875-4311).
Additional information: