The Bulky Waste Pickup Services is by appointment only. Before scheduling, review the Bulky Waste Pickup Notice (Spanish). Appointments may fill quickly. Schedule a Bulky Waste Pickup appointment in one of three ways:
Call Customer Service, Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m., 916-875-5555, Hearing/Speech Disability: CA Relay Service 711
Submit Online Bulky Waste Pickup Appointment Request form
- Download the free SacGreenTeam app for mobile devices
Important: To add special set-out items (appliances, e-waste, fluorescent tubes, lumber/tree/shrub trimmings (clean), tires) to an appointment or to cancel/reschedule an appointment, you must call Customer Service and speak to a representative at least one day prior to your appointment to change, cancel or reschedule. Emails and voicemails are not accepted.