Becoming a Commercial Franchised Hauler

​Haulers who collect, transport, and dispose of commercial solid waste within the unincorporated County of Sacramento must have a current, valid County Franchise issued pursuant to Chapter 6.20 of the Sacramento County Code. This includes permanent collection services for trash, recycling, and organics, as well as temporary collection services for C&D debris.

A Special Business License is required to provide hauling services in the unincorporated area of Sacramento County, regardless of having a State Contractor’s license.  A General Business License is also required if the business address is in the unincorporated area of Sacramento County.  

The fastest way to apply for a Special Business License is in person at 700 H Street, Room 1710, Sacramento CA 95814.  Hours of operations are Monday – Friday 8:00am – 4:45pm for processing. 


County Franchise Application Process  

Haulers interested in a franchise should review the  County Franchise Agreement before submitting an application. All franchised haulers w​ill be required to sign the agreement and abide by the requirements.

Applicant must submit a completed County Franchise Application ​with all required attachments to

 Franchise Application:

  1. Franchise A​pplication

​Required Attachments:
  1. $1,000 non-refundable application fee to the County
  2. Annual Diversion Plan
  3. Vehicle Inventory Form - Vehicles will be inspected by the Environmental Management Department (EMD). EMD will contact haulers to schedule vehicle inspections.
  4. Proof of Insurance
    a. A valid and current Certificate of Insurance (COI) is required to name the County as the Certificate Holder, and as additional insured. The Certificate Holder must read:
    County of Sacramento, Department of Waste Management and Recycling
    10863 Gold Center Drive
    Rancho Cordova, CA 95670
    b. The Additional Insured language must read: The County, its officers, officials, employees, agents, and volunteers are to be covered as Additional Insured.
  5. Letter of Credit or vehicle refundable cash deposit for financial review (Section 7 of application)
  6. Sheriff Clearance Form (Section 9 of application)

County Franchise Application will be reviewed and processed. Applicants will be notified of either:

  1. Recommendation to Board of Supervisors to grant a franchise. The franchise shall be effective when the applicant and the County sign the written agreement.
  2. Incomplete application. The applicant will be notified if the application is incomplete and identify what information or materials the application is missing.
  3. Denial. The applicant will be notified of the reason(s) why the application was denied.

Packinghouse Waste Management 

Packinghouse Waste transportation and recycling is regulated by the California Department of Food and Agriculture. To learn more, please visit CalRecycle’s Business​​ Requirements and Resources page or view our Packinghouse Waste Frequently Asked ​Questions​


Reporting Webinar:  On October 6, 2021 the City and the County of Sacramento hosted a joint webinar on the new online reporting system for both jurisdictions.   

Recording Link Franchise Quarterly Reporting Webinar (Revised 10-19-2021)​ 
Presentation:  Webinar Power Point Presentation (Revised 10-19-2021)

Application Webinar: ​On March 18th at 9 a.m. the City and County of Sacramento hosted a joint webinar on the​ application process for both jurisdictions. A link to the recording and the presentation are below.​

Recording Link (Link Passcode: .+XuI9zZ): Webinar Recording
Presentation: Webinar Presentation
