Curbside Collection Cart Services

For Safety Carts Need Space: Keep residential curbside collection carts 3 feet from each other, 6 feet from any objects, along with 14 feet of overhead clearance.

​​Residents in the unincorporated areas of Sacramento County (*except multifamily apartment complexes served by commercial ​franchised​ haulers) receive the following as ​part of the standard level of service: 

Residential curbside collection customer service and billing is provided by Consolidated Utilities Billing and Service

To receive collection service:

Place carts at curb no later than 6 AM on your scheduled collection day (holidays included)

Place carts at least 6 feet from cars, mailboxes, basketball hoops, and other objectsCarts Out By 6AM Including Holidays Lids Closed.PNG

  • Place carts at least 3 feet apart
  • Provide overhead clearance of 14.5 feet for carts. Do not place carts under basketball hoops, low tree limbs, utilities wires, etc.
  • Cart lids must be closed
  • Do not block sidewalks with carts
  • Do not overfill or compact materials in carts - material must fall freely
  • Do not place unacceptable materials in your carts
  • Return carts to your property after service​

If carts have been tagged with a notice and have not been serviced or were not set out by 6AM on your collection day, a non-regular service day fee for return service may apply.

Set cart(s) out by 6 AM on your regular collection day/scheduled appointment day and leave cart(s) out until serviced (unless instructed otherwise). ​

  • ​Missed Service - carts, bulky waste, oil/filter (online form)​
    • Or call 3-1-1 (if outside of unincorporated​ County, call 916-875-4311).
    • ​Additional fees may be added for return service of carts that were not set out prior to 6 AM on regular service day, or when a tag states a cart could not be serviced. 
  • Add or Remove a Cart (online form) 
    • ​Additional Garbage*/Organics/Recycling carts are available for an additional per month fee per cart. *Note: for additional Garbage carts, the first cart must be at the 90-gallon rate. 
    • Cart Removal: specify cart(s) for removal, such as taping a note. Once scheduled, set out cart(s) for removal on your service day until removed.
    • ​A cart that is changed more than once per year will incur a fee. 
  • Change Cart Size (online form)​
    • Changing the size of your Garbage cart will change the monthly rate.
    • Changing the size of your Recycling or Organics carts will not change the monthly rate.
    • Cart Change: specify cart(s) to be changed out, such as taping a note. Once scheduled, set out cart(s) for size change on your service day until replaced.
  • Broken or Missing Cart (online form) 
    • Specify cart(s) that need repairs, such as taping a note on the broken cart(s). Repair/replacement service typically is scheduled on the next regular collection day for that cart. Once scheduled, set out broken cart(s) on your service day until fixed/replaced.
    • Carts may be replaced with a standardized cart color and label of the same size for State required compliance.
  • Overflow Cart Service 
    • Requires prior authorization, call Customer Service at 916-875-5555, Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. 
    • ​Per refill fees apply specifically for Garbage, Organics and Recycling carts and additional fees for non-regular service day.

​Go to Consolidated Utilities Billing and Service​ for additional residential curbside collection customer service options. 

For Residential Curbside Collection Service, residents have a choice of cart sizes for each Garbage, Organics and Recycling cart. Carts that are included in the minimum per month Residential Curbside Collection Service rate:

  • Garbage Cart – Weekly Collection - minimum per month service rate is based on Garbage cart size
    • One 30-gallon cart per month rate: $35.18 (7/1/24), $36.63 (7/1/25)
    • One 60-gallon cart per month rate:  $39.41 (7/1/24), $41.03 (7/1/25)
    • One 90-gallon cart per month rate:  $47.88 (7/1/24), $49.85 (7/1/25)
  • ​Organics Ca​​rt – Weekly Collection
    • One cart, 30-, 60-, or 90-gallons included in the per month rate, which is based on Garbage cart size.
  • Recycling Cart – Bi-weekly Collection
    • One cart, 60- or 90-gallons included in the per month rate, which is based on Garbage cart size.
  • Non-Regular Service Day Fee
    • ​Review fees for return service/additional pickup on a non-regular service day.

Details at Residential Collection Rates & Fees.

For billing questions, go to Consolidated Utilities and Billing Services​

For additional information, go to Consolidated Utilities Billing and Service​ or call 916-875-5555, complete an online customer service form, or email Representatives are available Monday - Friday, 8 am - 4:30 pm.​



Never Miss Your Curbside Collection Again. DownLoad the App image. 

Never miss your curbside collection day!​  The app is available to download in the app stores for both Apple and Android devices.​​

Apple App Store Image  Google Play