Backyard Composting

Compost and Climate Webinar ( Video Recording​ | ​​PowerPoint )

Making Compost​​​​

It usually takes from three to six months to create a mature, usable batch of compost. While​ there is no single “correct” method, there are different “recipes” for making compost. All are based on the scientific principle of aerobic decomposition.

The SacGreenTeam applauds our residents ​efforts to manage organic materials. All of our residential customers are required to participate in weekly organics collection beginning July 2022 for compliance with state law. For those with backyard composting, place organic materials that are not typically managed in home composting systems – such as food-soiled paper, greasy pizza boxes, and meat/bone or cheese items - in the Organics cart.  

Organics Collection and Backyard Composting.pngHere's an example of a backyard composter who uses the kitchen pail to collect vegetable, fruit and other food scraps used in backyard composting and separates meat scraps, bones and dairy products into a BPI-certified compostable bag for the Organics cart, which the County has these items safely composted to properly breakdown those items. 

University of California Master Gardeners, Open Garden Sessions at the Fair Oaks Horticulture Center

Attend an Open Garden hosted by the UC Master Gardeners of Sacramento County and learn about composting, gardening, and much more!

Events are held at the Fair Oaks Horticulture Center.​ 

County residents who receive curbside recycling and garbage service are eligible to receive a free GeoBin hoop style compost bin (one per household).​

Please visit the UC Master Gardeners educational resources at You​Tube, Facebook, Publica​tions​, and their Video Library​ for more information. ​​​ 

Have questions about composting, gardening, pruning, etc.?  Please send the Master Gardeners an email at

Additional Resources​

Backyard Composting Program
Sacramento County Department of Waste Management & Recycling
10863 Gold Center Drive​
Rancho Cordova, CA  95670

Phone: 916-875-7165
Fax: 916-854-9212​
Never Miss Your Curbside Collection Again. DownLoad the App image. 

Never miss your curbside collection day!​  The app is available to download in the app stores for both Apple and Android devices.​​

Apple App Store Image  Google Play