Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Drop-off Centers

Don't put Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) in the trash! Use the map above ​and your address to find the nearest free Household Hazardous Waste drop-off – it's that easy! Along with the location and hours, click each pin on the map to also find what's accepted – such as, paint, antifreeze, gasoline, chemicals, pesticides, batteries, fluorescent/CFL bulbs, and many other accepted HHW items. ​

Five drop-off facilities in the Sacramento regi​on are able to handle Household Hazardous Waste from residents. Learn more: 

Brochure: Household Hazardous Waste Regional Drop-Off Facilities​ (Spanish)

HHW Facilities:

Never Miss Your Curbside Collection Again. DownLoad the App image. 

Never miss your curbside collection day!​  The app is available to download in the app stores for both Apple and Android devices.​​

Apple App Store Image  Google Play