Business & Commercial Information

Business & Commercial

​All businesses are required to subscribe to a minimum collection service of weekly garbage, weekly organics, and at least monthly recycling through a Franchised Waste Hauler pursuant to Sacramento County Code and State of California Code of Regulations.

​Mandatory Collection Services for All Bu​sinesses

​Serviced weekl​y
​Serviced weekly
​Serviced at least once per month

Sacramento County's Department of Waste Management & Recycling (DWMR) regulates commercial solid waste collection services and recycling requirements for businesses located in the unincorporated areas of Sacramento County.

DWMR does not provide commercial waste and recycling collection services. Businesses and commercial properties must contact local commercial franchised solid waste haulers to subscribe to weekly garbage and organics and at least monthly recycling collection services.

It's the law: Title 14, § 17331 of the California Code of Regulations requires that refuse be removed from all properties every seven (7) days. Refuse is defined as garbage and rubbish.

How to comply: All businesses are required by law to subscribe to weekly garbage service. 

OPTION 1 (most common and preferred)

​Sign up for weekly garbage service with a waste hauler - Enter into a weekly garbage collection service agreement with a Commercial Franchised Waste Hauler; or,


Share garbage service with an adjacent commercial property through a Commercial Franchised Waste Hauler. Both commercial property parties must have a mutually signed agreement and submit a DWMR Commercial Property Shared Garbage Service Request form.

It's the law: All businesses are required by law to subscribe to weekly organic material collection services.

Organic materials include: Food scraps, food-soiled paper, green waste/landscape trimmings/plant waste and “clean wood" (no paint, no stain, etc.).  The Commercial Organics Collection Requirements flyer provides a quick and easy reference. 

​How to Comply: Business must select one orm ore of the following options to comply with the law.

OPTION 1 (most common and preferred)

Enter into an organics recycling material collection service agreement with a Franchised Waste Hauler to collect and haul your organics material. If your business does not have organics collection service, your Commercial Franchised Solid Waste Hauler will give you advance notice before delivering an organics recycling bin/cart for starting the collection service.


Alternative Organic Service – Complete and submit the Alternative Service Verification section in the Organic Material Recycling Compliance Form if your business utilizes one or more alternative organic collection services:

Landscaper: The business contracts with a landscaper, who collects green waste/landscape trimmings off-site to a facility that recycles the green waste properly into compost/mulch. (Note: A Landscaper" can only collect green waste/landscape trimmings portion of organics, i.e., food scraps and food-soiled paper, and does not constitute full compliance for mandatory organics collection as a stand-alone alternate service). 

Third-Party Recycler: The business contracts with a non-franchised third-party hauler for all organic material. Contracts between the business and each third-party hauler must be retained on-site for verification during inspection.

Self-Haul: The business hauls all its organic material to a composting facility or transfer facility that properly hauls the organic material to a composting facility. Receipts must be retained on-site for verification during inspection.

Backhaul: The business hauls all its organic material back to a central or corporate location for composting. A current and valid contract or other proof of evidence must be retained on-site for verification during inspection.

Onsite Composting: All organic material that is generated at a location is composted on-site. Photos of the onsite composting will be required when submitting the Organic Material Recycling Compliance Form and will be verified during inspection. On-site composting inspection will verify that the material is free of vectors and odors.

Shared Container: The business shares an organics container with an adjacent business through a franchised waste hauler. Evidence that all parties agree to sharing the container and a copy of the organic collection service contract must be retained on-site for verification during inspection.



De Minimis Waiver (10- or 20- Gallons or Less Waiver): If your eligible business generates less than 20-gallons of organic material per week for businesses with 2 cubic yards or more of total waste collection service per week, or generates less than 10-gallons of organic material per week for businesses with less than 2 cubic yards of total waste collection per week, the business may apply for a 10-Gallons/20-Gallons or Less Waiver in the Organic Material Recycling Compliance Form. Businesses that sell or produce food are ineligible to receive a 10-Gallon/20-Gallon or Less Waiver. These include, but are not limited to, restaurants, theaters, hotels, schools, event centers, gas stations, and coffee shops. Review all ineligible business types in the Sacramento County Policy #2022-01.

Waiver Application Requirement: Before submitting a waiver, for five days, separate your organic material from your garbage into  buckets or containers and document how much material is collected for each. Your findings will need to be submitted in the waiver request. A Waste Study Guide has been created to assist you with documentation.  

Physical Space Waiver (not commonly approved):  Business that s do not have adequate space for the smallest 30-gallon organics collection container, may complete and submit the Physical Space Waiver section on the Organic Material Recycling Compliance Form​. Note: Supporting documents are required as evidence that the business does not have space for a 30-gallon cart (23" wide x 23.5" deep x 39" high).

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It's the law: All businesses and commercial properties are required by law to subscribe to at least once a month recycling material collection service.

Recyclable materials generally include: Paper, cardboard and paperboard, plastic bottles and containers, metal cans, and glass bottles and jars. Contact your Commercial Franchised Solid Waste Hauler to learn more about their acceptable and unacceptable items.

How to Comply: All businesses are required by law to subscribe to recycling collection service:  Businesses must select one or more of the following options to comply with the law:

OPTION 1 (most common and preferred)
Enter into a recycling collection service agreement with a Commercial Franchised Solid Waste Hauler to collect and haul your recyclables If your business does not have recycling collection service, your waste hauler will give you advance notice before delivering a  recycling bin/cart for starting the collection service.

Alternative Recycling Service - Complete and submit the Alternative Service Verification section in the Recycling Compliance Form if your business utilizes one or more alternative recycling services:

Third-Party Recycler: The business contracts with a non-franchised third-party hauler. Contracts between the business and each third-party hauler must be retained on-site for verification during inspection.

Self-Haul: The business hauls its recyclable materials to a local recycling facility. Receipts must be retained on-site for verification during inspection. Note: If the business is only recycling aluminum cans, all other recyclable materials must also be collected and recycled either by self-haul or another option listed here.

Backhaul: The business hauls its recyclable materials back to a central or corporate location for recycling. A current and valid contract or other proof of evidence must be retained on-site for verification during inspection.

Shared Container: The business shares a recycling container with an adjacent business for its recyclables. Evidence that all parties agree to sharing the container and a copy of the recycling collection service contract must be retained on-site for verification during inspection.

Physical Space Waiver (not commonly approved) -Business that do not have adequate space for the smallest 90-gallon recycling collection container, may complete and submit the Physical Space Waiver section on the Recycling Compliance Form. Note: Supporting documents are required as evidence that the business does not have space for a 90-gallon cart (28" wide x 35" deep x 46" high).
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